The Weaver Orthodontics team has been assigned 2 families with a total of 3 children to purchase gifts for. These are gift suggestions but anything you feel is appropriate for the designated age works great! You can drop off gifts at the Weaver Orthodontics office. Gifts that have been purchased will be crossed off on the lists below.
Swampscott TLC recommends:
Wrapping all donated gifts
Include gift receipts with any clothing items (in case a change in size is needed)
Adding a post-it note to the outside of the gift so parents can add their own gift tags for the correct recipient!
Wrapped gifts can be placed in reusable bags for delivery purposes (this helps parents disguise gift donations from their children and also makes transporting gifts easier).
Details of Family 1: 1 child
13-year-old female: Grade 7
Wishlist: Comforter set (queen), hair products, leggings
Needs: Snow boots size women 8, winter coat women medium, gloves
Details of Family 2: 2 children
7-year-old female: Grade 2
Wishlist: Dolls, or anything fun things you think a second-grade girl would enjoy
Needs: Hat and gloves
19-year-old female
Wishlist: Books or anything you think an older teenager would enjoy.
Needs: No needs listed