The Importance of Retainers

The Importance of Retainers

After months (or even years) of orthodontic treatment, you have the beautiful, straight smile you've been dreaming about! While you may think your journey is complete, it is important to remember the next essential step: retainers. Let’s explore retainers and how they’ll preserve and maintain your smile long-term. 

What are retainers and why are they important?

Retainers are custom-made devices designed to hold your teeth in their new, corrected positions after you have completed your braces or aligner treatment. They maintain the alignment by providing stability, preventing your teeth from returning to their original misaligned spots. Every single person who finishes orthodontic treatment gets retainers!

Teeth have a natural tendency to shift throughout our lives due to factors such as age, growth, and pressure from the lips, tongue, and jaw muscles. This is still possible after orthodontic treatment. Wearing retainers as instructed will help counteract the natural shifting, ensuring that your teeth remain in their corrected positions. At first, orthodontists often recommend wearing your retainer for the majority of the day, with a gradual transition to only nighttime wear, to maintain the results of your treatment and minimize the risk of relapse.

Removable retainers are created from dental scans (no goopy impressions here!).  They are made of a clear, durable material and are worn for a period of time each day. These retainers offer the convenience of allowing you to remove them to eat, brush, floss, and clean.

Proper Retainer Care

To make sure your retainers remain effective, ensure you are caring for them properly. Clean them regularly using a soft toothbrush and mild soap or non-alcoholic mouthwash. Avoiding hot water will prevent warping and maintain the shape of your retainer. When not in use, store them in their case to prevent loss or damage. Avoid wrapping them in a napkin – it makes it easy to accidentally throw them away! 

Long-term Benefits

Retainers will make sure your orthodontic results last. By preventing your teeth from shifting, they maintain the integrity of your smile and reduce the likelihood of needing further orthodontic treatment in the future. In the long run, this saves you time and money as well as preserves the investment already dedicated to your smile and oral health. 

Follow-up Visits and Adjustments

If you have any questions about your retainers or want them checked, text us today! Adjustments and replacements may be made as needed. Be sure to communicate with your orthodontist! They are always happy to address any concerns or issues with your retainers to make your experience as comfortable as possible. 
Dr. Weaver is passionate about providing the best treatment possible to her patients. If you are looking to begin orthodontic care, contact Weaver Orthodontics today!

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